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Marketing Supervisor


 1. Marketing Supervisor

Requirement :

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Machinal Engineering, Industrial Engineering, accounting, or any related major.
  • Preferable have one year experience in the same field
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, perseverant and thorough
  • Proficient communication in Englsh.

Job Description :

  • Manage Annual sales & profit.
  • Perform Procing and negotiation activity.
  • Control new prject bussiness scheme and pricing.
  • Provide merket trend and handle customer satisfction.

2. Production Operation Training Staff

Requirement :

  • D3 mechanical engineering industrial rngineering or any related major.
  • Fresh graduate with good communication are highly recommend to apply.
  • Have good logical and critical thinking.
  • Agile to overcome new challenges.

Job Description :

  • Design skill development planfor the PIC of each area.
  • Create standartd training materials and Conduct operation Training when needed.
  • Developing Training Materials for all line processes.
  • Develop standart scoring for training evaluation.

3. TPS Leader Staff

Requirement :

  • D3 Mechnicl Engineering, Industrial Engineering or any related major.
  • Have experience in TPS is preferabe.
  • Good communication in English and Japanese will be an advantage.
  • Agile to overcome new chellengees.

Job Description :

  • Perform kaizen/improvement according to the needs.
  • Carry out 4M Continous improvement related to safety,Quality, Cost & Delivery ( SQDC) Principle.
  • Upgrade Genba Level TPS conditions to suit cutomer needs.

Cara melamar:

Jika anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi lowongan atas, silahkan  kirimkan berkas lamaran lengkap melalui link dibawah ini :

  • Posisi 1 : DAFTAR
  • Posisi 2 : DAFTAR
  • Posisi 3 : DAFTAR
  • Alamat :
    PT ADVICS Manufacturing Indonesia
    Jl.Harapan VII Lot LL 9 & 10
    Kawasan Industri KIIC, Parung Mulya,
    Ciampel, Karawang, Jawa Barat 41361.

Note :

  • Proses seleksi lowongan pekerjaan ini tidak di pungut biaya apapun.
  • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi poin – poin kualifikasi dan persyaratan akan diproses ke tahap selanjutnya.

Seluruh tahapan proses rekrutmen di tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Perusahaan tidak pernah meminta sejumlah uang atau imbalan dalam bentuk apapun dalam proses rekrutmen.


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