Lowongan Kerja PT Vale Indonesia Tbk-PT Vale Indonesia Tbk atau PT Vale (sebelumnya bernama PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk) merupakan perusahan tambang dan pengolahan nikel terintegrasi yang beroperasi di Blok Sorowako, Desa Sorowako, Kecamatan Nuha, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. PT Vale merupakan bagian dari Vale, perusahaan multitambang asal Brasil.

PT Vale menambang nikel laterit untuk menghasilkan produk akhir berupa nikel dalam matte. Volume produksi nikel PT Vale rata-rata mencapai 75.000 metrik ton per tahunnya. PT Vale menggunakan teknologi pyrometalurgi atau teknik smelting.

PT Vale merupakan perusahaan tambang penanaman modal asing (PMA) dalam naungan Kontrak Karya yang telah diamendemen pada 17 Oktober 2014 dan berlaku hingga 28 Desember 2025. Salah satu poin regenosiasi adalah pengurangan wilayah Kontrak Karya dari sebelumnya seluas 190.510 hektar menjadi 118.435 hektar.

Lowongan Kerja PT Vale Indonesia Tbk

Tertarik dengan Lowongan pekerjaan di PT Vale Indonesia Tbk ?.Siapkan berkas lamaran dan CV anda beserta berkas-berkas pendukung lamaran lainnya. Berikut kualifikasinya, simak dibawah ini:

Coordinator Partnership


  • Implementing and supervising Environment, Health, Safety, and Risk (EHSR) standards and
    regulations by ensuring working environmental conditions, equipment, materials, methods, worker
    behavior, and 5S under area responsibility with the aim of minimizing risk, achieving safe and secure
    conditions (Zero Harm), clean environment, and achieved work productivity targets.
  •  Manage the process of stakeholder partnership for Government and non-Government area at
    Central/out of Local area for both area Growth and Operation.
  •  Conduct Risk assessment include pre-due diligence check, identification process of the partnership
    program and align with strategic Stakeholder map, to ensure the recommendation is well addressed
    business outcome.
  • Coordinating for budgeting and planning of partnership and engagement at Central/capital for both
    Growth and operation area.
  •  Recommend and execute the partnership process, prepare the business case justification to the
    management and Board.
  •  Provide reporting, analysis and evaluation including deviation treatment process of partnership
    program to ensure the implementations and promoting are meeting VPS and ESG program, ensuring
    consistency implementation of the actions for creating an environment of operational excellence.
  •  Coordinating the interface between area partnership for central/strategic area, regional area and
    local area from both Government and non-Government and others stakeholder identified, to ensure
    proper relations and collaboration among functions. This is to prevent internal misalignment that may
    impact to legal aspect for the project development and PTVI operation according to the governance,
    legal, and institutional partnership standards.
  •  Establish and evaluate Standard operating procedure of partnership Institutional relation that may
    interface with our Project Growth and Existing operation, refer to Indonesia regulation, best practice
    standard and Vale stakeholder management and relations.

Technical Specializations:

  • Having professional experience in stakeholder management and external relations with central
    Government, non-Government and academic institutions, NGOs, with advance level of relationship
    and networking with external parties as well as in stakeholder, communications, influencing and
    interpersonal skills.
  •  Fluent in English and Indonesia.
  • Understanding of Indonesia Mine, Investment and Environment and Forestry Laws and Regulations.
    mine stages and supporting business process and working permit regulation.
  •  Time management, sensitivity to the dynamic behavior change of customers.
  •  Ability to control and coupe the expose event situations related to media, shareholder relationship.
  •  MS Office with reporting skills.


  •  Bachelor’s degree in is required in a relevant subject, preferably in Public
    Relations/Communications, Humanities, Business Administration, International Relations, Politics,
    Law, Technical in extractive/mining industry or equivalent.
     Preferably having a master’s degree in similar subject as in point 1.
  • Minimum 4 – 7 years working experience in related field.
  • Preferably having POP, public communication certification.
  •  Preferably fluent in Mandarin

cara melamar:

Jika anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi lowongan kerja diatas, silahkan  kirimkan berkas lamaran lengkap melalui link   dibawah ini :


batas akhir 1 Juli 2024

Note :

  • Proses selseksi lowongan pekerjaan ini tidak di pungut biaya apapun.
  • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi poin-poin kualifikasi dan persyaratan akan diproses ke tahap selanjutnya.
